Ann Arbor Review


Laszlo Slomovits
Alan Britt
Tolu Ogunlesi
Paul B. Roth
Gerald Clark
Dike Okoro
Jerry Blanton
Felino Soriano
Joanie Freeman
Steve Barfield
Shuta Crum
Running Cub
Odimegwn Onwumere
Duane Locke
Chris Lord
Fred Wolven
Nona Giorgadze
Bobby Steve Baker
Brandon S. Ray
Serena Trome
Paul Handley
Kanev Peycho
George Moore
R. Jay Slais
Carol Smallwood

Sabahudin Hadzialic
Ian Smith

                            DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND
They understood!
They didn't ask
...for anything else
                           for just a possibility to survive
 within the boundaries
                                     of a precious vision.

                                        Vision of world
                     without hatred and senseless schemes
                     living in the minds of their neighbours.

                                     They understood!

                                      They didn't ask...
                                  ...for anything else
                                      but just a hope
                                    that a right to live
                              is a right of every human.

                                       And humanity
                          remained where it always was.
                        Entrapped within the boundaries
                                      lacking identity.

                               the life for them is about
                                   waiting for the end.
                                   Are they there yet?

                      STATES, PARDON ME, CITIES

                                     In the little town
                                 across the seven seas
lived a small nation.
        This nation could fit into one city
 and nowhere else.
At least that's what little nation's Emperor thought.
Pardon, Duke.
And one day some people left the city.
                              They were the first to leave.
                                Followed by the second.
                                       And the third.
                                Emperor, pardon, Duke
                                       was left alone.
                                 The name of the city?
                                        Look around,
                                 perhaps this is a story

Sabahudin Hadzialic, Bosnia & Herzegovina




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