e kam parė njė mace|
mu nė breg tė detit
tė bukur e tė zezė
rinia e saj prej maceje
luante me bishtin e yllit
ajo lojė fatale
shi afshndjellės qiejve tė fyellit
njė mace kozmosi
epshe tė fshehura
lėvizje harmonike
gjymtyrėsh tė dehura femre
I saw a cat
In the sea shores
Gorgeous and black
Just like the truth
As a young cat
Played with her eyes tail
A fatal game
a rain of passion in the flutes sky
A cat from cosmos
Hidden Eros
harmonically moves
from a drunken torso of women
nė mes tė oqeanit me njė mijė kufij
pėr njė natė e krijoi njeriu i ri
duke braktisur shtėpinė e shoqėrinė
ngase se qiti me dashurinė
ky ishull qė duket si tavolinė
me njė shishe birrė dhe njė kuti cigare
ma kujton nėpėr mjegull vdekjen e mozzartit
jetėn tonė tė dashur teatrin e ēastit
nga se qiti me dashurinė
duke braktisur shtėpinė e shoqėrinė
nė mėngjes e gjetėn ishull njerin
nė mes tė oqeanit mbi tavolinė
In the middle of the ocean with a thousand borders
A young human created it for one night
While abandoning the house of society
Unable to unite it with love
This island that looks like a table
With a pack a cigarettes and a beer bottle
Cloudily reminds me Mozarts death,
Our beloved life the spontaneous theater
Because love didnt emerge
While abandoning the house of society
In the morning a human was found in the island
In the oceans center over the table
kronikan nostalgjik i luftės intime
ndėr bjeshkė obligimesh alpinist
si tambėl zogu mjelė nė fluturime
e pi kohėn time nė tavernė si turist
lahutar i mjerė nė sisteme tė teknikės
vetes e veglės ua transplanton fatet e jetimėve
orkestrina gjeniale e fabrikės
rrezikon simfoninė e pestė tė makinave
lumi ngjyros qiellin simbol autentik
vajzės sė pikėlluar njė pėrqafim fotogjenik
dhe pak tambėl zogu prodhim joprofesional
A nostalgic reporter of intimate war
An alpinist on the ridges of obligation
Like a birds sweetness extract while flying
And drink my time in a tavern like a tourist
A lute player in the technical systems
Transplants to himself the tools the destiny to orphans
The genial orchestra of the pant
Risking the cars fifth symphony
The river is coloring the symbolical and authentic sky
My wounds are massaged by a lunar maestro
A photogenic hug to a saddened girl
And a little bird sweetness an unprofessional product
Anton Gojcaj, Montenegro, Albania
Translation: Peter Tase, Milwaukee, Wisconsin