Ann Arbor Review


Paul B. Roth
Michelle Bailat-Jones
Amit Parmessur
Lana Bella
Elisavietta Ritchie
Peycho Kanev
Helen Gyigya
Alan Britt
Shutta Crum
Ali Znaidi
Lyn Lifshin
Ann Christine Tabaka
Silvia Scheibli
Fahredin Shehu
Robert Nisbet
Laszlo Slomovitz
Rajnish Mishra
Keith Moul

Eddie Awusi
Andy N
Running Cub
Sanjeev Sethi

Alex Ferde
Deji W. Adesoye
W. M. Rivera
Shantanu Siuli
Duane Locke

Jennifer Burd
Violeta Allmuca

Fred Wolven
Michael Lee Johnson

Anik Chatterjee

Richard Gartee
John Grey

Ann Arbor Review

is an independent

International Journal & ezine

Copyright (c) 2018 Francis Ferde
All rights revert back to each poet.
--editor / Southeastern Florida

AAR history note:  in print 1967 - 1980.  Irregular publications 1980 - 2004.  As ezine 2004 - present. Most of 47 years all together....


Francis Ferde
Silver Grey Fox
Running Cub
Fred Wolven

Submissions via e-mail:



Ne jeta ime kemi nė kujtesė tė shkuarėn
Si njė rreth na sillet qysh kur kemi lindur
Zogjtė cicėrojnė pa e kuptuar lirinė
Fluturimi i tyre ėshtė miklimi i qiellit.

Ne mallėngjyeshėm jemi nė tė tashmen
Aty ku mbin e rritet kujtimi ynė i purpurt
Dhe ndizen shkėndijat nė mes tė dimrit
Mbi dėborėn ku yjet pinė verė ngjyrė gjaku.

Ne jemi ende nė qendrėn e sė ardhmes
Koha na derdhet mbi supe e ngrihet nė kėmbė
Vitet janė kėndellur dhe asgjė nuk humbi
Ndonėse mbetėm kalorės tė lirė nė furtunė.

I dua ėndrrat qė mė pushtojnė e ikin nėpėr ag
Kur luledielli hap petalet e ulet bri tryezės
Me bukėfurre tė ngrohtė e qumėsht tė bardhė
Nė kėtė botė ne mbetemi arkitekturė e jetės...



Fjala lindi nė zemėr si guri i epikės
Kėndej dhe andej shfaqen gjurmė
Shenjat janė nėpėr udhėt e trupit
Ndaj fjalėn e kam mbajtur nėn lėkurė.

Dita mbėshtetet mbi krahėt e lirikės
Mesnata ndizet e vishet me vetėtima
Postieri ngarkon nė njė trastė fjalėt
I zbraz ēdo mėngjes nė dyert e botės.

Mes jetės e vdekjes bekoje fjalėn njeri
Fjala kurorėzohet nė zjarr e lidh dy brigje
Ne jemi zogj tė kujtesės nėn kubenė gri
Dhe pelegrinė gėrvishtės tė errėsirave.

E kur agu mbėshtetet nė sytė e fėmijėve
Damarėt e tyre pajtonin fjalėt me diellin
Bie shi e fjalėt lagen nė qelqin e dritares
Brirėt e rrufeve shkundin retė e qiellit


We in our lives always remember the past
As a circle coming around since the day we were born
Birds are singing without recognizing freedom
Their wings in the sky are the joy of life.

We are living the present longingly
Right were our purple memory is born
And the fire sparks are breaking the winter's darkness
Over the snow where the stars drink a red wine.

We are still at the center of the future
Time is pouring over our shoulders and is rising up
Years are passing by and nothing is lost
Even though we remained free crusaders on a storm.

I love my dreams that encompass myself and depart in the morning
When the sun flower is opening up its head and sitting next to the table
With a warm bread from the oven and a white milk
In this world we are the architecture of life...



The word was born on a heart just like an epical stone
Here and there traces are appearing
The scars are through a body path
This is why my word is kept under my skin.

The day is relying on the wings of freedom
Midnight is shining and dressed by thunderstorms
The Post Master is loading words on a handbag
Unloads them every morning on the world's doors

Men, between life and death bless the word
The word is crowned on a fire and connects two shores
We are birds of memory under a grey dome
And have become screaming pilgrims of darkness.

When the dawn is depending on the children's eyes
their veins connect the words with the sky
Rain is falling, the words are wet on a window glass
The horns of thunderstorms are shaking the skie's clowds.

Violeta Allmuēa, Tirana, Albania and Vienna, Austria

Translated from Albanian: Peter Tase, Milwaukee, Wisconsin



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