Shutta Crum
PALME Stau cu fratele meu evreu si Il vorbim pe Dumnezeu el manios, eu speriata un sir de pescari poarta pe umeri barne albe. un sir de pesuitori in desert ridica barnele si le proptesc de porti. el, rabdator, ii cere socoteala pentru ratacitori si morti. fericita eu, care nu pot visa din Dumnezeu decat palmele asezate deasupra capului meu sa ma apere. stau cu fratele meu evreu si luam cuvintele de la inceput: cate din lumina cate din lut. PALMS I'm sitting with my Jewish brother we chat about God he's angry, I'm afraid a line of fishermen appears white beams on their shoulders pearl divers in a desert who raise the beams to prop them against the gates patiently he blames God for the wanderings and the dead whereas I cannot dream of God except with His palms spread wide to shelter me I'm sitting with my Jewish brother and we make a reckoning of the words from the beginning: how many from light how many from clay AM O POFTA NEBUNA SA SCRIU POEZIE nu e bine, ma sfatuiesc paznicii neplatiti, cand ploua sa nu scrii niciodata poezie sterge-ti lacrimie, lustruieste-ti pantofii si numara crapaturile din tavan amintirile dispar cand nu mai ai ce face cu ele asa cum sufletul mortilor se ridica pana la urma destul de sus ca sa mi poata fi deranjat de o melancolie oarecare ori de vreum ritual studiat sa nu te dai niciodata pe mana poftelor, se dezlantuie ursitoarele mele plictisite de stat, poezie nu se scrie nici cand esti flamand nici indestulat si mai ales nu cand iti cade cerul in cap sau cand iti rasare vreo idee intr-o dimineata de iarna zapada nu poate acoperi prea mult si nici orizontul fugi prea departe fericiti cei ce pot amana sentinta provizorie - cuvantul mai mult decat cartile toate I HAVE A CRAZY DESIRE TO WRITE POETRY this is no good, my unpaid guardians advise me, don't write poetry when it rains wipe your tears, shine your shoes go count the cracks in the ceiling memories fade when you no longer need them just as the souls of the dead ascend high enough not to be disturbed by random melancholy or rote ritual don't indulge in sins, the fates burst out, bored to death, you can't write poetry when you're starving or well-fed and especially not when you feel down in the dumps if an idea dawns one winter morning snow can't cover it too deeply or the horizon flee farther enough away-- happy are they who postpone the provisional verdict, the word more than all the books Carmen Firan, Romania & Rego Park, New York tr. Adam J. Sorkin, New York City, & Carmen Firan
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